I'm new to Gephi and not familiar with JAVA programming (but I'm learning).
My project is like this:
I have a dynamic large graph (a friendship network on facebook, a retweet network on Twitter, a paper-paper citation network in Computer Science, etc.). All are dynamic in nature. Given the stream-in edges (or nodes) of these network, visualize them and then people can see how the network structure evolves.
But some requirements here:
Low-level communication with Gephi, which means I would not double-click gephi.exe to start gephi, or create a new project and new workspace by manually clicking those buttons in Gephi software. I want to use Gephi's API to do that automatically.
Ideally, when I start run my own project, my program will communication with Gephi in a low-level programming way, and create a new project, a new workspace in Gephi automatically. Then my program will read the stream-in edges (nodes) from a certain source (it could be a data file). Since Gephi provides the Graph Streaming API https://marketplace.gephi.org/plugin/graph-streaming/, then I'm gonna use that API to initiate a server (Gephi is the master server). The server will receive those come-in edges and display them in a dynamic fashion (using ForceAtlas layout algorithm) in an Applet.
I've done a lot of survey job, regarding Gephi's API, Graph Streaming API, toolkit, and so on.
And I've found some interesting examples from GitHub and :
https://gephi.org/2012/gsoc-interconnec ... aphstream/
And I can do all the stuff by using Gephi software and mouse clicking on the related buttons. But I wanna do those without explicitly double-clicking and running my Gephi.exe.
But I still cannot figure out how to conduct my own project. Or is it possible to complete the task as I described?
I've tried Gephi's toolkit using Jython (since I'm quite familiar with Python language), but the fact is that Gephi's toolkit doesn't provide the functions of Gephi's Graph Streaming API. I also tried to find Gephi's Graph Streaming API, but I cannot find the source code. Even though Gephi provides the API for Preview, I'm not sure if I can display a dynamic graph using this preview API.
So I cannot find my way towards that thing right now. Could anybody please give me some hints, or suggestions? I'd appreciate that.Statistics:Posted by AlexFred — 31 Oct 2013 20:39